I do things

Hey, I’m Prawmble (/TumblePrawn)!
I like drawing, making music, using vocal synthesis software, and trying to work on way too many projects at once.

My Socials



Contact Me

Here are some email addresses you can use to reach me! Please use the one that best suits your needs (it makes it easier for me to find stuff and keep everything organized).
Want more details on what each catagory means? Click here!

General Purposes: [email protected]
Collaboration Requests/Discussion: [email protected]
UTAU-Related Permission Requests: [email protected]
Business: [email protected]

  • General Purposes email: For anything that a more specific category doesn't cover currently

  • Collaboration Requests/Discussion email: If you wanna reach out to me about collaborating with me on something music-or-art-related, using this email is a good way to do that!

  • UTAU-Related Permission Requests email: The email where you can ask for permission to use any of my UTAU voicebanks or related characters commercially, or double-check if a certain use-case of either is permitted, if you're not sure.